Oily Rag Clothing, Gloucester

Clothing (brand)



Unit 9, Rockhaven Ind Est, Triangle Park, Metz Way, GL1 1AJ Gloucester

Opening hours today for Oily Rag Clothing

  • opens at 10:00 today

  • You should double check these opening hours on their homepage OILYRAG.COM or on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Friday: 10:00-16:00

  • Saturday: 10:00-16:00

  • Sunday (TODAY): 10:00-14:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 23 June 2024.

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About Oily Rag Clothing

Oily Rag Co. Clothing designed and printed in Britain, originating from a desire to create a clothing brand to express our passion for motorcycles. Our HQ is open on weekends (see times) and we have a cool coffee bar.

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