Opening hours today for Wythenshawe FM 97.2

Weekly opening hours:

  • Saturday: 08:00-18:00

  • Sunday (TODAY): 08:00-18:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 5 June 2024.

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About Wythenshawe FM 97.2

Wythenshawe FM 97.2, also known as WFM, is a community radio station broadcasting primarily to Wythenshawe, Manchester and the surrounding south Manchester area.WFM was one of the first radio stations of its type in the UK, gaining a full-time licence in 2005.The station is run by volunteers from across Manchester. An ongoing partnership between Radio Regen, WFM and Manchester College of Arts and Technology (MANCAT) has meant that students from MANCAT can work at the station alongside volunteers and employees. Read more

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