Greggs, Wolverhampton



U5 Avion Shopping Centre 16 Bargate Drive, WV6 0QW Wolverhampton


Opening hours today for Greggs

  • Closed for the day, opens at 08:00 tomorrow

  • You should double check these opening hours on their homepage GREGGS.CO.UK or on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 08:00-17:00

  • Tuesday (TODAY): 08:00-17:00

  • Wednesday: 08:00-17:00

  • Thursday: 08:00-17:00

  • Friday: 08:00-17:00

  • Saturday: 08:00-17:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 2 May 2024.

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About Greggs

Greggs is a British food to go brand, specialising in fresh bakes, sandwiches, hot drinks and sweet treats. Founded in 1939, Greggs started out selling eggs and yeast by pushbike, ten years later the first shop opened on Gosforth High Street, in Newcastle. Now, over 80 years later Greggs is a household name thanks to their tasty Sausage Rolls, Steak Bakes, Chicken Bakes, Doughnuts, Yum Yums and freshly ground Fairtrade Coffee. Read more

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