Budo Ju-Jitsu Newport Self Defence Academy

Martial arts school



Budo Ju-Jitsu Self-Defence Academy, The Martial Arts And Fitness Centre Maindee Newport, NP19 8 Newport


Opening hours today for Budo Ju-Jitsu Newport Self Defence Academy

  • closed today

  • You should double check these opening hours on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 19:30-21:00

  • Thursday: 19:30-21:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 27 May 2024.

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About Budo Ju-Jitsu Newport Self Defence Academy

Ju-Jitsu self defence classes in Newport run with traditional values and modern ethics, including takedowns, grappling and submissions. Classes open to teens and adults of all abilities. Have you tried everything else? Then give us a go.

Get directions: Budo Ju-Jitsu Newport Self Defence Academy


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