Highcroft Surgery, Nottingham


Health clinic


High Street, NG5 7BQ Nottingham

0115 883 2330

Opening hours today for Highcroft Surgery

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 08:30-18:30

  • Tuesday: 08:30-19:30

  • Wednesday: 08:30-18:30

  • Thursday: 08:30-19:30

  • Friday: 08:30-18:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 12 June 2024.

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About Highcroft Surgery

Highcroft Surgery is a place on High Street in Nottingham.

Get directions: Highcroft Surgery


Comment on Highcroft Surgery

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So far I have rang 99 times and got the busy tone each time
This surgery is taking on way too many people, and I even heard someone say they lived right next to Nottingham City Centre! Waiting times are now 6...
This surgery is awful. Ive been going for 24 years and never really had a problem untill recently.. the waiting list is absolutely ridiculous! The...
Bad system: Turning people away and telling them to call at 8am the next day, only for the lines to be busy. When you do get through all the...
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