Puddle Ducks Bristol & Bath

Swimming instructor


Pool or beach


9 Kensington Park Road, BS4 3HP Bristol


Opening hours today for Puddle Ducks Bristol & Bath

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 09:30-14:30

  • Tuesday: 09:30-14:30

  • Wednesday: 09:30-14:30

  • Thursday: 09:30-14:30

  • Friday (TODAY): 09:30-14:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 3 June 2024.

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About Puddle Ducks Bristol & Bath

Swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and children aged 0-10 years old at gorgeous private pools all

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Comment on Puddle Ducks Bristol & Bath

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I started puddle ducks when my lo was 10 months (wish we had done it earlier). It's so much fun and my lo is confident in the water. We went to the...
My son absolutely loves Puddle ducks and swimming and I think it's all down to his amazing teacher Helen Hicks!
I swear by puddleducks! Took my 4 year old away for the weekend and she was the only one of her friends that could swim. She's been with puddleducks...
I can't recommend Puddle Ducks highly enough! Maia and I have loved our lessons with Helen at the Penny Porter pools since we started almost two terms...
We absolutely love our Puddle Ducks Lessons - and have attended classes with Tina both at Penny Porter Pool and Cadbury House. Her lessons are fast...
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