Minffordd railway station, Penrhyndeudreath

Train station

Public transport stop

Car service


Minffordd Railway Station, LL48 6 Penrhyndeudreath


Opening hours today for Minffordd railway station

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Business information and opening hours last updated 27 May 2024.

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About Minffordd railway station

Minffordd railway station station, is actually two adjacent stations operated entirely independently of each other. The mainline station opened as Minfford Junction on 1 August 1872 at the point where the then newly built Aberystwyth and Welsh Coast Railway line from Dovey Junction to Pwllheli passes under the existing narrow gauge Festiniog Railway built in 1836 to carry dressed slate from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Porthmadog for export by sea, which had carried passengers from 1865 onwards. Read more

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