Repair aches and pains relief clinic, Whitwick

Massage service

Beauty Salon

Health clinic

71 Church Lane, LE67 5DN Whitwick


Opening hours today for Repair aches and pains relief clinic

  • open now, until 16:00

  • You should double check these opening hours on their homepage BOOKSY.NET or on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 09:00-15:00

  • Tuesday: 09:00-21:00

  • Wednesday: 09:00-21:00

  • Thursday: 09:00-21:00

  • Friday: 09:00-21:00

  • Saturday (TODAY): 09:00-16:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 21 May 2024.

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About Repair aches and pains relief clinic

I offer pain relieving massages and rehabilitation, Helping Aches and pains from head to toe.

Get directions: Repair aches and pains relief clinic


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I saw Becky this week for a new hybrid treatment that combines Thai and Sports Massage. As someone who gets extremely tight and has a super mobile...
Fantastic people , I hadn’t slept properly for 4wks with a neck/shoulder problem , back on the mend and feeling loads better not only do they massage...
I have been the training partner with Becky the last 2 days and what a privilege.
I have problems with shoulder/neck and carry my tension here which causes me some problems. I always see Steph at the Clinic and she really does work...
Had to have an emergency appointment yesterday with Aaron and can’t thank him enough for working on a sudden onset of sciatica! He talked me through...
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