The Games Room, Norwich

Toy shop


29A Elm Hill, NR3 1HG Norwich


Opening hours today for The Games Room, Norwich

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 10:30-16:45

  • Wednesday: 10:30-16:45

  • Thursday: 10:30-16:45

  • Friday: 10:30-16:45

  • Saturday: 10:30-16:45

Business information and opening hours last updated 16 June 2024.

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About The Games Room, Norwich

Established in 1979, The Games Room is one of the longest open games stores of its kind in Norwich and stocks a wide range of items for all your gaming needs! Go in and say hello to Duncan! The Games Room 29a Elm Hill, Norwich NR3 1HG 01603 628140

Get directions: The Games Room, Norwich


Comment on The Games Room, Norwich

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Really good shop, a lovely owner, will order games in if they don't have them.
Great shop with a long history and a friendly owner. Will definitely go back.
Run by a lovely man who knows his stuff when it comes to games, if you love board games, this is the shop for you!
Been to Norwich a few times but only just discovered this fantastic shop. Run by someone who clearly loves games, and knows a hell of a lot about them...
Wonderful store with everything we could have wanted. Very helpful and friendly owner, brilliant to have someone happy to help a couple of newbies :)...
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