HATS - Hilton Amateur Theatrical Society, Derby

Performance art theatre


Peacroft Lane, DE65 5GH Derby


Opening hours today for HATS - Hilton Amateur Theatrical Society

Weekly opening hours:

  • Sunday (TODAY): 15:00-18:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 28 May 2024.

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About HATS - Hilton Amateur Theatrical Society

We're a theatrical society based in Hilton, Derbyshire, who perform pantomimes for our community!

Get directions: HATS - Hilton Amateur Theatrical Society


Comment on HATS - Hilton Amateur Theatrical Society

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Brilliant show , we all really enjoyed it well done everyone I can't wait for the next one X
These lovely people performed for a charity night . The Murder Mystery evening was a sell out and everyone said what a fabulous evening they had.
HATS is amazing, its full of hilarious people (that all belong in a looney bin) and loads of banter, oh and some great plays too..
I'm totally biased but words cannot describe how much I love these guys, the banter is priceless. If you can, get involved or come down and see a...
a wonderful group....have some really special memories...good friends...and great times....so if your free on a sunday afternoon why not join us ..
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