The A Train - Brighton's weekly swing dance night., Brighton and Hove

Dance club and nightclub



Brighton Railway Club, 4 Belmont, BN1 3TF Brighton and Hove


Opening hours today for The A Train - Brighton's weekly swing dance night.

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 19:30-22:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 31 May 2024.

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About The A Train - Brighton's weekly swing dance night.

Swinging night of dancing. Class at 7.30pm designed to get you from the dance class to the dance floor followed by a DJ playing tunes from the swing dance era. Everyone welcome.

Get directions: The A Train - Brighton's weekly swing dance night.


Comment on The A Train - Brighton's weekly swing dance night.

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Great music, great opportunity to practise your lindy hop moves in a friendly atmosphere and very accommodating leads and follows. Nice space for it...
Really welcoming
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