Opening hours today for Wellidog

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 10:30-15:00

  • Wednesday: 10:30-15:00

  • Thursday: 10:30-15:00

  • Friday: 10:30-15:00

  • Saturday: 10:30-15:00

  • Sunday (TODAY): 10:30-15:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 24 June 2024.

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About Wellidog

We are a Dog Rescue Charity who look after and re home all Dogs, Tel 07561129207 between 11 and 3

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Comment on Wellidog

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We adopted lovely Liliana! Wellidog do enough for us. They were so helpful and stay in touch with us now with advice and tips and updates! They...
My beauitful dog Amiee - has help me recover against all odds we have such a bond , as I have helped her recover, iv recoved so well , iv set up my...
We are so glad we adopted Toby, he has been a challenge but is absolutely wonderful and we couldn't imagine life without him. Thank you to all the...
Fantastic home. Just bought Holly home. Staff so caring and helpful. I will definitely recommend to others. We will keep in touch. Thank you all so...
Lovely people and dogs!staff really helpful and know there stuff and were great and helpful us adopt our new pooch.
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