Wirral Grammar School for Boys, Bebington

Secondary school



Cross Lane, Bebington, CH63 3AQ Bebington


Opening hours today for Wirral Grammar School for Boys

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 08:30-16:30

  • Tuesday: 08:30-16:30

  • Wednesday: 08:30-16:30

  • Thursday (TODAY): 08:30-16:30

  • Friday: 08:30-16:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 26 June 2024.

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About Wirral Grammar School for Boys

This group is the official news and information about our school for our WGSB community.

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Comment on Wirral Grammar School for Boys

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Class of 2008. Amazing school. Great memories of fun and effective teachers, good sports and clubs, and playing on the "fieeeeeeld" in the summer.
I'm from the class of Barber 1964. We had a lot of Joneses AA., AD , CR .......
Best scwl going
Got to be honest, I hated this school, too much pressure on pupils at such a tender age, Mr Halewood physically dragged me to the headmaster's office...
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