King Edward VI Academy, Spilsby
West End, Spilsby, PE23 5EW Spilsby
Opening hours today for King Edward VI Academy
closed today
- You should double check these opening hours on their homepage KING-EDWARD.LINCS.SCH.UK or on their FACEBOOK PAGE
Weekly opening hours:
Monday: 08:30-17:30
Tuesday: 08:30-17:30
Wednesday: 08:30-17:30
Thursday: 08:30-17:30
Friday: 08:30-17:30
Business information and opening hours last updated 11 October 2024.
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”King Edward VI Academy, is a coeducational bi-lateral secondary school and sixth form with academy status, located in Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England, for children between the ages of eleven and eighteen.The bi-lateral status is not common, with less than five such schools remaining in England and Wales, but effectively means that any local children who pass the Lincolnshire 11-plus examination and select King Edward VI Humanities College will receive a grammar school education, but the school also accepts children who have not passed the 11-plus and they will instead receive a separate comprehensive education but under the same roof and from the same teaching staffs and management team. Read moreGet directions: King Edward VI Academy
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